
General Intelligence Algorithm

GIA semantic network

BAI is setting standards in Language Normalisation. BAI General Intelligence Algorithm technology includes the following features

  • Translation through low level POS, intermediate level syntactical, or high level semantic relation i/o
  • Syntactical translator supports RelEx and Stanford CoreNLP/Parser natural language processing*
  • XML customisation of both POS and syntactical GIA Translators (English)
  • Native support for referencing
  • Native support for natural language generation (NLG)**
  • Supports standard queries (how, how much, what, when, where, which, who, why, is/does/etc)
  • Language Reduction Preprocessor (LRP) - collapses multi-word phrases and identifies POS ambiguity permutations
  • High throughput custom file system database (GIA knowledge base) - brought into RAM on demand
  • Supports reading and writing of active database to XML (to store database in computer/human readable format)
  • Connectionist network support†
  • GIAI graphical user interface
  • Supports export to vector graphics file (CXL, SVG, LDR)
  • Operating system independent development - ISO C++ (currently supported by Linux EL5/EL6/EL7/EL8/UB14/UB16/UB20 and Microsoft Windows XP/7/8/10)
  • Conforms to BAI GIA AU provisional (Text/Figures) - 28 Mar 2012 (App No. 2012901230)

* Third party license may be required.

** POS based Morphology Generator required for independence from input text.

† Pre-identified semantic relations stored in text corpus and indexed by sentence word/POS permutation. Supports neural network determination of semantic relations based on pregenerated semantic relations/POS types. Low level POS translator sequentially activated neural network rule generation under development.

For an introduction to GIA, see the "What is GIA?" demonstration. This technology is not currently being maintained and it is recommended to use a modern vectorised and hardware accelerated implementation (e.g. TensorFlow/PyTorch).

Technology Name Support Source License Source Documentation
General Intelligence Algorithm (GIA) LinuxRed Hat LinuxUbuntu LinuxWin AGPLv3 (view source online) Auto Documentation