Richard Baxter's OLC, Optional Lines Calculator

OLC is a program written by Richard Baxter, which adds optional lines (LDraw line type 5) between polygons of a file.

Version 2.0 (19 Sept 2009)



OLC.exe [options]

where options are any of the following;
-input [string] : .dat input filename (def: part.dat)

-output [string] : .dat output filename (def: partNew.dat)

-addedges [float] : create edges instead of optional lines when poly intersection angle is less than x degrees, Eg 160 (def: disabled)

-version : print version

Version 1.0 (07 Aug 2007)

Note that OLC version 1.0 has been hosted by Philippe E. Hurbain ( for sometime now - Thanks Philippe.

